6 Initiatives To Avoid Early Osteoporosis

Zainab Hamid
3 min readNov 2, 2021


Aged 35 and bone aches already? Women are more prone to osteoporosis than men. 80% of osteoporosis patients are women. As soon as women hit the age of thirty-five, bone density starts to deteriorate.

One of the reasons behind this is menopause. Menopause affects the hormone Estrogen, which is responsible for bone health. Bone health is affected due to pregnancy and lactation as well. It affects women of all ages.

Taking a few initiatives can reduce the risk of bone loss. Here are the basic six leads to it.

1. Diet

A well-balanced diet is vital at any age. Taking a healthy diet becomes even more seminal when the body is undergoing substantial changes. Following the food pyramid is essential.

Vegetables, nuts, milk, sardines, soybean, and fortified flour make up a selection of food enriched with nutrients required to improve bone health.

Protein is also mandatory as it makes almost half of the bone volume.

2. Dairy products

Calcium is a fundamental component of bones. Osteoporosis causes a reduction of calcium from the body. Daily intake of calcium is necessary for women. Dairy products are a high source of calcium.

1000 mg of calcium is the requirement of people aged between 19–50 years. Inculcation of milk, cheese, or yogurt in a daily routine diet will be helpful to meet the required dose of calcium.

3. Sun exposure

Vitamin D is requisite for calcium absorption in bones. Sunlight is a vital and natural source of vitamin D. It helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

A human body needs to be exposed to sunlight for thirty minutes twice a week to meet the required dose naturally. The preferred time is right after sunrise and before sunset. Vitamin D keeps the bone strong, teeth healthy, and improves the immune system.

4. Exercise

Exercise is eminent in every stage of life. However, making a schedule for a daily workout is suggested as an initiative to keep up with bone health. Thirty minutes of drilling four times are essential. Weight-bearing and resistance exercises are considered the best for bones.

5. Essential supplements for women

For avoiding bone decay, it is compulsory to aid your food with dietary supplements recommended by the doctor or available over the counter. It should contain all the essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D.

Other than that, vitamin K is also vital. Magnesium intake improves bone mineral density. Overall, a good supplement started well advanced, would do the job in the long run.

6. Healthy lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is crucial to keeping a lot of diseases away. Including a bit of everything beneficial can delay and stop the process of bone decay. A well-balanced diet is necessary.

Maintaining a healthy weight is also essential one should neither be obese or underweight. Getting out of your comfort zone and trying to be more active keeps the body fit.

Alcohol consumption and smoking can be damaging. In short, maintaining balance is pivotal.


Osteoporosis is preventable. It is avoidable with love towards one’s self. Creating a balance in activities, diet, routine, and lifestyle work wonders. Add up, little by little, to build a defense system in the body.

